With the objective of promoting the strengthening of agriculture through sustainable practices, Suzano, a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from eucalyptus, supports the implementation of the Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest (ILPF) system in medium-sized rural properties. and small businesses in the eastern region of Mato Grosso do Sul. The initiative is part of the Sustainable Rural Project – Cerrado, carried out by the Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability (IABS), which also provides for the implementation of a Degraded Pastures Recovery system, benefiting more than 860 people, of which around 670 people (223 families) in Três Lagoas and region and 255 people (63 families) in Ribas do Rio Pardo, including rural producers and their families.
For Israel Batista Gabriel, social development coordinator at Suzano in Mato Grosso do Sul, the project unites two essential pillars for the company: promotion of social development, through the generation of work and income in the countryside, and environmental conservation, with the incentive sustainable production practices. In the process of expansion throughout Brazil, the ILPF system provides for the production of different crops (agricultural, livestock and forestry) within the same area. This system can be done in intercropping, in succession or in crop rotation.
“At Suzano, we have a guideline that says it's only good for us if it's good for the world, and the integrated system is good for producers, who manage to optimize land use, raising productivity in the same area, and for the population, since it unites preservation of the environment and food production. This process of increasing productivity on the properties is boosted by the pasture recovery system, which contributes to increased milk production and meat quality. The implantation adopts environmentally correct management techniques, with low emission of gases that cause the greenhouse effect or even with the mitigation of these gases, combining this with the generation of income and support for the families involved”, emphasizes the coordinator.
Started in 2019 in Três Lagoas and region, the Sustainable Rural Project – Cerrado is the result of a partnership between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through the Government's International Climate Financing resource from UK. In addition, the IABS is responsible for the execution, Embrapa for the Scientific Coordination and the Associação Rede ILPF (Integração Crop-Livestock-Forest) for the technical support. In all, there are 670 people benefiting from communities such as: the Arapuá Rural Center (Três Lagoas), the Association of Milk Producers of Brasilândia (Brasilândia) and the Association of Rural Producers of the São Thomé Settlement (Santa Rita do Pardo).
The action includes technical assistance, technological assistance, distance learning courses and workshops aimed at families in rural communities, with a view to implementing production systems that better integrate different cultures. In this way, producers have a better synergy between different species, helping to control pests, reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers and generating more sustainable production in line with the preservation of the Environment.
Ribas do Rio Pardo
This year, the action was expanded to the region of Ribas do Rio Pardo, where the new Suzano factory is under construction. In all, 63 families from the Mutum and Avaré settlements will benefit from the partnership, totaling around 190 people benefited. The initiative began to be implemented with the acquisition of seedlings, inputs and the sending of specialized technical assistance to create a food reserve bank for the maintenance and better management of herds and increased productivity of dairy cattle.
“This technique is a great alternative for us not to depend only on pasture. We believe that with this learning experience, the income of associated residents will improve, thus giving a little more dignity to the families enrolled in the project. My expectation now is that we can make a living from this here”, says Sebastião Landim, president of Associação Amigos em Ação de Mutum e Avaré.