Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions or want to know more about Suzano?

Here, you will find the answers to the most common questions about our business. Select a topic to find what you need.

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Does Suzano offer affirmative employment?
Does Suzano offer inclusive benefits?
Does Suzano have conservation areas?
Does Suzano produce packaging?
Does Suzano have an Internship Program?
Does Suzano have a Trainee Program?
Does Suzano have initiatives to foster social development?
Does Suzano have any mechanism to provide accountability for and track the progress of its Commitments?
Does Suzano have initiatives to protect the environment?
How can I buy Suzano products?
How can I contact Suzano’s sales team?
How can I join Suzano?
How can I supply wood or lease land to Suzano?
How can I become a Suzano supplier?
I bought a Suzano product and have a question or complaint. What should I do?
What does Suzano export?
What does Suzano do?
What does each Suzano site produce?
What is Biomas?
What is Woodspin?
What is bio-oil and what is it used for?
What is pulp and what is it used for?
What is fluff pulp and what is it used for?
What is microfibrillated cellulose and what is it used for?
What is lignin and what is it used for?
What is Ecofuturo?
What is the Cerrado Project?
What is Suzano Ventures?
What is SuzanoLAB?
Where is Suzano located?
What certifications does Suzano have?
What are Suzano’s brands?
What types of anti-corruption practices are implemented by Suzano?
What are the public commitments made by Suzano?
What is Suzano’s purpose?
How many people work at Suzano?
I want to report an issue of interest to Suzano. What channel should I use?
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