Commitments to Renewing Life
Guided by our Commitments to Renewing Life, our long-term goals, we leverage our role in the value chain and society. They lead us to make significant changes in the way we produce, consume and relate to the world today, contributing to a regenerative economy.
Creating this strategy collaboratively, considering the views of hundreds of people, from different stakeholder groups, we set 15 goals aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our commitments
To create a better world, we organize our commitments into two complementary and inseparable dimensions: people and the planet.
Reduce poverty
A more equitable world is necessary for the life of the planet and people. We operate in different regions of Brazil that face challenges such as extreme poverty and low-quality education. That is why, together with organizations and families in these locations, we implement initiative to generate income and strengthen local businesses that have always been part of the local culture.
Our goal is to help lift 200,000 people out of poverty in the areas where we operate by 2030. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Support education
We believe that education is the starting point for any transformation. A more equitable world starts with having all children in school and receiving quality education.
In support of future generations, we develop collaborative solutions to ensure quality public education and are committed to increasing the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB, in Portuguese) in our priority towns by 40%, by 2030. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Promote diversity, equity and inclusion
Promote diversity, equity and inclusion
Recognizing that diversity, equity and inclusion make us stronger, we set specific goals to be achieved by 2025:
- Ensure 100% accessibility for people with disabilities in our plants and offices
- Ensure a 100% inclusive environment for people with disabilities
- Have 30% of leadership positions (functional managers and above) occupied by women
- Have 30% of leadership positions (functional managers and above) occupied by Black people
- Ensure a 100% inclusive environment for LGBTQIAP+ people
For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

For the Planet
Tackle the climate crisis
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the first step towards tackling the climate crisis. Recognizing our responsibility, we are committed to reducing the intensity of our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by 2030*. To achieve this goal, we invest in efficiency projects on the use of fuel and energy, prioritizing the use of renewable energy and modernizing our equipment and vehicles.
However, stopping climate change is such an urgent matter that we must go beyond emissions reduction and look for solutions to capture carbon. We are a climate-positive company, which means that we remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than we emit. And by 2025, we are committed to removing another 40 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere—a volume that is equivalent to what the city of São Paulo emits in two years. We will do this by expanding, conserving and recovering our native and planted forests. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Offer renewable products
Renewable products are items made from resources that are not finite (such as eucalyptus pulp) and that can be replenished over a short period.
Every packaging, hygiene product, item of clothing or fuel we consume makes a difference. And offering renewable alternatives to many everyday products is part of our purpose. Therefore, we are committed to offering, by 2030, 10 million tonnes of products made from renewable raw material that can replace plastic and petroleum-based products. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Protecting our water
Our eucalyptus farms cover more than 2 million hectares in Brazil, and we know that the natural characteristics of some areas make them subject to water shortages. Therefore, by 2030, we are committed to increasing water availability in all critical watersheds in the areas where we operate, through forest management and planning initiatives.
We also use water to manufacture our products. Within our industry, we already implement global best practices in water use and treatment, but we are committed to going further and reducing our water withdrawal by 15% by 2030. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Reduce waste
The waste we generate and consume shouldn't mark the end of that material, but rather the commencement of a new cycle. When we dispose of waste, it remains on our planet and requires natural processing. Everything left over from our activities is already handled responsibly.
But that is not enough— by 2030, our goal is to be able to reduce the volume of industrial solid waste we send to landfills by 70%, giving an opportunity for this waste to be used in other production chains, such as by recycling and agricultural products businesses. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Generate clean energy
Energy generation from fossil fuels is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing the use of renewable alternatives is an urgent challenge. By using biomass waste from our production processes, some of our plants are already energy self-sufficient, generating enough electricity to power their entire operation and also export the surplus to the national grid.
Our objective is to increase clean energy exports by 50% by 2030, through an increase in generation and the implementation of energy efficiency projects. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

Conserve biodiversity
The fragmentation of natural and forest areas is one of the main threats to biodiversity. Considering that Brazil is the most biodiverse country in the world, we want to help change this reality.
We have made a challenging commitment to, by 2030, connect, through ecological corridors, 500,000 hectares of fragments of Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, an area four times the size of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The corridors will significantly contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, as they will connect isolated forest areas, enabling the transit of animals, the increase in vegetation cover and, consequently, the regeneration of biodiversity. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.

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