Human Rights
Human rights are universal basic rights (such as life, freedom, work and education) that must be respected regardless of social class, race, nationality, religion, culture, profession, gender, sexual orientation or any other status. It is the duty of governments to protect these rights, and of companies, of all sizes and sectors, to respect them.
What We Do

We respect all internationally recognized human rights, both within our operations and across our value chain. We take measures to prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights abuses, in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. For more information, read Suzano’s Corporate Human Rights Policy.

Areas We Focus On
We strive to promote human rights throughout our value chain and work actively to leverage the positive impact of our activities, helping to transform society. Check out the areas we work on
We comply with current labor legislation in the countries where we operate, considering compensation, benefits, overtime, vacation and rest, and guarantee fair and safe treatment and working conditions. We seek to provide ways to ensure that the people who work with us have a healthy work-life balance. We respect the right to join unions and professional organizations, without intimidation or retaliation. We also respect the right to collective bargaining.
We value the creation of dignified and inclusive work environments, free from harassment and discrimination. We respect, value and promote diversity and inclusion, and repudiate all forms of violence and moral or sexual harassment. Behaviors, practices and threats that may result in physical, psychological, moral or material harm are considered unacceptable. We maintain work environments in which people are treated equally, condemning all forms of discrimination based on gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, origin, socioeconomic status, political preferences, religion, beliefs, familial status, appearance, or any other status.
We do not tolerate any form of compulsory or forced labor (violence, intimidation, debt bondage or threats), forced overtime, degrading working conditions or restriction of protests for labor improvements. We also repudiate human trafficking for any purpose. We do not tolerate the hiring of anyone under the minimum age set by national and international legislation, both within our operations and by our suppliers. We also comply with the restrictions imposed on shifts or activities performed by minors. We condemn the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. For more information, read Suzano’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.
We are committed to working actively and continuously to improve our work environments and processes to ensure the health and safety of our teams of both company employees and contractors. We work to protect everyone from occupational illnesses and accidents. We also promote a culture of safety to encourage those who work with us to report incidents, hazards, risks, positive examples and opportunities for continuous improvement to protect individuals and sustainably evolve our management practices. For more information, read our Health, Safety and Quality of Life Policy.
We recognize and respect the importance of the diversity, cultural heritage, history and way of life of indigenous peoples and traditional communities. Our relationships are based on dialogue and engagement, respecting the rights established by Brazilian legislation and by the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 169, including respect for the right to enjoy and use natural resources and assets. To learn more, read our Policy for Relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities.
Our relationship with neighboring communities is based on transparent dialogue, respect for rights and social and cultural values, and recognition of the ownership and autonomy of all stakeholders. Therefore, we adopt management systems and follow engagement and certification processes to prevent and reduce the potential negative impacts of our operations on local communities. Furthermore, our dialogue channels are open to everyone. For more information on our dialogue channels and complaints mechanisms, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.
We respect the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and demonstration of local community leaders and human and environmental rights defenders, and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, threats or retaliation. We maintain partnerships and relationships with organizations, and implement projects and programs to prevent human rights violations.
We recognize the right to live in a healthy environment and the right to clean and safe water. To ensure that, we comply with Brazilian environmental legislation, implement best practices in our sector and pursue international certifications. We are committed to reducing water withdrawal for our operations, in addition to increasing water availability in critical watersheds in the areas where we operate. For more information, visit the Sustainability Indicators page.
Regional Efforts
We strive to grow together with the more than 200 Brazilian towns that host our operations. We foster dialogue with the communities where we operate to understand their main needs and, based on that, propose local development projects and initiatives. Learn more about our efforts on the Neighboring Communities page.
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