Check out the awards and recognition that Suzano has received from different institutions.
Valor Innovation
For the 3rd consecutive year, we were the most innovative company in the Paper and Pulp industry. We also won the won 1st place in the general ranking of the most innovative companies in Brazil, as a result of an analysis by PwC Strategy& and the newspaper Valor Econômico.
Época 360º Yearbook
We ranked first both overall and in our industry, and were also the winners of the financial performance challenge.
Reporting Matters
Suzano's 2022 Sustainability Report was recognized among the 10 best of the year, according to the methodology of the Reporting Matters Brasil project, promoted in Brazil by CEBDS, in partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Radley Yeldar (RY) and Report Group. The document was also the best in the Ease of Access category.
Internationalization Trajectories of Brazilian Companies Award – FDC
Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) recognized Suzano in the following categories: Creation of International Value Medium-sized Companies (3rd place); Stakeholder Management (8th place); Value Proposition (10th place); Number of countries (16th place); International Value Creation (18th place); Organizational Model (26th place); and Talents and Leadership (44th place).
Dual Carbon Innovator 2023
Our innovative strategies to achieve emissions reduction and carbon neutrality were recognized at a conference organized by the Southern Weekly newspaper in China.
30% Club Brazil Award
Suzano was recognized by 30% Club Brazil for having 30% or more women on the Board of Directors.
Merco Talents
Suzano ranked 1st in the sector and 48th in the general ranking. The award recognizes companies that best attract and retain talent.
Best CSC Award
Suzano was the winning company in the Brazilian Association of Shared Services award. We also placed third in the CSC Executives and CSC Women categories. Suzano Global Services (SGS) was recognized for its transformation journey.
Forbes Tech 2023
Suzano was chosen as one of the ten most Innovative Companies in Brazil in the Forbes magazine ranking.
Most Valuable Brands in Brazil
Suzano was listed as one of the most valuable brands in Brazil in the Brand DX ranking.
Large Packaging Cases Prize
Kleenex's new plastic-free tissue box with braille text was awarded for its innovations in sustainability and social inclusion.
EcoVadis Sustainability
Suzano achieved the Platinum Medal, the highest level of recognition among the categories, in the Ecovadis rating. We improved our overall score from 69 points to 78 points and we are among the top 1% on the list.
Revelation in Finance Award
The 20th edition of the IBEF-SP (Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives of São Paulo) award recognized two Suzano professionals. Daniel Eloy Santos de Castro, executive financial planning manager, and José Rodrigues Zago Neto, financial planning manager, won with the “Digital Upskilling” project.
ThinkWork Innovations 2023
Espaço Ecofuturo by Pólen was recognized with the RH Innovative certificate. Suzano's People Analytics Portal was among the three best cases in the People Analytics category.
CSS Corporate Startup Stars
Suzano was recognized as one of the 100 companies in the world that most innovated with startups in 2022-2023.
ANEFAC - Transparency Trophy
Suzano received the ANEFAC Transparency Trophy. The award recognizes organizations that have good practices in disclosing their financial results.
Cebds - Communication and Sustainability Guide
Communication professionals, institutional relations professionals and ESG specialists considered Suzano as a benchmark for communicating the ESG agenda with the market.
National Quality of Life Award
Suzano was recognized as one of the reference companies in quality of life and well-being in the 26th edition of the Brazilian National Quality of Life Award.
Aplaude Award
Formare Suzano program won the Aplaude Award in the #Compartilhacategory, as a highlight in Education.
100 Open Startups
In the general ranking, Suzano took third place. In the Forestry, Pulp and Paper category, the company won first place.
Suzano won first place in the Market Pulp Manufacturer, Innovation (R&D and Technology) and Social Responsibility categories. The company also won second place in Sustainability. Annibal Siqueira, maintenance and reliability manager in Imperatriz (MA), was recognized as Industry Professional of the Year, and Andreia Bolzan Rodrigues, HR coordinator in Imperatriz (MA), won the HR Professional of the Year award.
Exame - Melhores e Maiores 2023
Suzano was elected the best company in the Paper and Pulp sector in the Melhores e Maiores 2023 ranking by Exame magazine.
Person of the Year Awards
The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce presented the 2023 Person of the Year Award to our CEO, Walter Schalka.
GlobeScan’s Sustainability Leader
We placed 2nd in the ranking of leading sustainability companies in Latin America (after Natura).
Institutional Investor’s Latin America Executive
Best CEO (Walter Schalka), best CFO (Marcelo Bacci), best IR professionals (Camila Nogueira, Roberta Costa and Mariana Dutra), best Program, best IR Team, best ESG, best Investor Events, best Pandemic Crisis Management and best Board of Directors.
Sustainable Company Award
We were the winners of the 2023 Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards in the Large Global Enterprise of the Year category.
Merco ESG
We ranked 1st in the industry, despite dropping six positions in the overall ranking. We also ranked 33rd among the 50 most environmentally responsible companies.
Green Sustainable Development Contribution Award
Suzano received the Green Sustainable Development Contribution Award in the International Green Zero-Carbon Festival.
ESG Integrity Yearbook
Suzano placed 2nd in the overall ranking of the 100 companies with the best image in ESG. In the Paper and Pulp category, we placed 1st out of the two companies evaluated. We also came in 4th place in the ranking of companies with the broadest ESG coverage.
Executivo de Valor Award
Walter Schalka was named the 2023 Executivo de Valor (“Valued Executive”) in the Paper, Cardboard and Pulp category.
Companies that best communicate with employees
Suzano was the winner in the two categories in which the company was competing: Brand Purpose and Corporate Vehicle.
The 100 Most Influential in Agribusiness
Walter Schalka was recognized by Agro World magazine as one of the 100 most influential personalities in agribusiness in the Industry category.
Executive Papermaker of the Year
PaperAge presented Walter Schalka, CEO of Suzano, with its 36th annual Executive Papermaker of the Year Award.
Tissue Online Award
Mimmo 3-ply was the winner of the Tissue Online Award in the Tissue & Personal Care category – Innovating with Responsibility.
Global Open Innovation Top 50
Suzano was recognized as the best in innovation among large companies at the forum held in Shanghai, China.
CSR China Top 100
Responsibility 100 Magazine and China Sustainable Responsibility Committee recognized Suzano based on an evaluation by a panel of experts.
Fastmarkets - Latin American CEO of the year
Walter Schalka was named by Fastmarkets as "Latin America CEO of the year".
Bloomberg Línea
Walter Schalka is included in the ranking of CEOs on the “Best Performing CEOs in Latin America” list.
Brazilian Best Performing Companies
Suzano was recognized as the company with the best financial performance in value generation.
Análise Editorial - Most Admired Financial Executive
Marcelo Bacci was elected Most Admired Financial Executive for the third time.
BBM Logistics
Suzano won first place in the Innovation category with the “Man x Machine Segregation” project. The award aims to recognize logistics projects and had more than 300 entries.
Suzano is the winner of the Inbrasc 2023 Award in the categories: ESG Project and SRM Project.
Globo Rural - Best in Agribusiness 2023
In the award given by Globo Rural magazine, Suzano was the winning company in the Reforestation, Pulp and Paper category.
Best Southeast HR Award
Caroline Carpenedo was one of the 60 most relevant HR leaders in the 2nd Best HR Southeast 2023 Awards.
Brazilian Association of Lawtechs and Legaltechs
Suzano's legal team was recognized with the gold seal based on four pillars: legal innovation, people management, legal efficiency and business partnerships.
The best of Dinheiro 2023
Suzano won first place in the following categories: Pulp and Paper sector; HR; Financial Sustainability; and Corporate Governance. We won second place in Social Responsibility. And third place in Innovation and Quality.
Companies that best communicate with journalists
Suzano was the winner of the Forestry Base category.
Finance & Law Summit and Awards
Suzano was highlighted in the “best in ESG” category. The award recognizes large companies, legal and finance departments in Brazil.
Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso do Sul
Walter Schalka received the Gran Colar of the Order of Industrial Merit, the sector's highest honor.
Brand Finance - 100 biggest brands in Brazil
Suzano ranked 29th in the ranking of the 100 largest brands in Brazil.
Revista Ferroviária Prize
Suzano was recognized in the best customer category by Revista Ferroviária (Railway Magazine).
Merco 100 companies with the best reputation on the market
Suzano reached position 54, rising seven positions compared to the previous ranking in 2021.
As Melhores da Dinheiro
A Suzano foi eleita a Empresa do Ano, também foi escolhida como a melhor no segmento de Papel e Celulose e somou o maior número de pontos em Sustentabilidade Financeira, ficando à frente das cerca de 180 empresas inscritas no ano de 2022.
Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index
A Suzano ficou em 63º lugar entre 1.000 empresas em todo o mundo no Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI), índice que reconhece os esforços das empresas na redução de emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) na cadeia de suprimentos. A Suzano é a primeira empresa sul-americana listada no índice e está em 1º lugar no setor papel e celulose, citada como referência de empresa carbono neutro.
P&G’s Inaugural Supplier Sustainability Award
Vencedores do prêmio “Inaugural Supplier Sustainability” da Procter&Gamble.
Prêmio ABTCP
Reconhecimento pela Associação Brasileira Técnica de Celulose e Papel em três categorias: Sustentabilidade, Inovação e Celulose de Mercado. Prêmio Eco Nossa iniciativa Gerando Valor pela Diversidade foi reconhecida com o Prêmio Eco 2022 pela Câmara Norte-Americana de Comércio no Brasil (Amcham). Segundo ano consecutivo.
Top 100 Open Corps
Melhor do setor de Papel e Celulose e segunda no ranking geral pela 100 Open Corps, que valoriza as empresas que mais estabelecem relações de negócio com startups. Segundo ano consecutivo.
Valor Inovação
Empresa mais inovadora do setor de papel e celulose na análise da consultoria PwC Strategy& e do jornal Valor Econômico e 15º lugar no ranking geral entre 150 empresas, subindo três posições sobre o ano anterior. Segundo ano consecutivo.
External Business Partner of the Year
Fomos a única empresa latino-americana entre as seis destacadas pela Procter & Gamble entre seus mais de 50 mil parceiros comprometidos com modelos de atuação sustentável.
ESG Model Enterprise Award
Premiação no Festival Internacional Verde Zero Carbono 2022, em Pequim, como empresa modelo por contribuições nas áreas de energia verde, redução de emissões de carbono, inovação em tecnologia e proteção ao meio ambiente.
The Worldwide Open Innovation
Entre as 50 empresas do mundo reconhecidas pela International Chamber of Commerce e Mind The Bridge com as melhores práticas globais em inovação aberta.
GlobeScan Líderes de Sustentabilidade 2022
Uma das 17 empresas globais reconhecidas por integrar a sustentabilidade em sua estratégia de negócios. A relação foi elaborada com base nas respostas de 718 especialistas em sustentabilidade de mais de 70 países.
Merco ESG
Primeira colocação na categoria Madeira, Papel e Celulose na pesquisa anual da Merco com mais de 3,8 mil entrevistados. Segundo ano consecutivo.
Selo Gold no EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 2022
Com nota 69, estivemos entre as 6% melhores empresas entre as mais de 85 mil avaliadas globalmente.
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