Value Chain
Our value chain includes all processes in which we participate and the steps necessary to develop our products. It all starts with the planting and cultivation of eucalyptus, which is then taken to our plants to be processed and turned into pulp, lignin, and other eucalyptus-based products. At each stage, including the choice and management of our suppliers, we keep our focus on ensuring sustainability, maintaining good relationships with our neighbors, managing our resources efficiently and reducing the waste we produce.
Production Stages
1. It All Starts With Eucalyptus
2. In Our Plants, We Transform Eucalyptus Into Products
3. Careful Transportation and Sales
4. Generating and Sharing Value With Our Suppliers
5. In the End, Everything Is Renewed

Forest Partnerships
If you are interested in or want more information about leasing your land to Suzano, check out our Forest Partnerships page.
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