Where We Are
We are in all regions of Brazil and around the world, operating in countries such as Argentina, Austria, Canada, China, Finland, Israel and United States. You can use the map to find where our plants, ports, operations, offices, and technology and distribution centers are located. If you prefer, you can also search using the available filters.
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Torquato Tapajós Avenue, 1290, Manaus
SEST/SENAT Road, 908, CIA , Simões Filho, Salvador
Francisco AS Avenue, 7700, Fortaleza
Lot nº 15, Set 02, Block 14, Complementary Industry and Supply Sector - Brasília
José Acácio Ferreira Street, 250 - Parque Industrial
Comendador Alcides Simão Helo Street, 250
BR 153 Highway, Qd CH, LT: Área, KM 5,5 - Condomínio LOG G7 M1 - Fazenda Retiro, Goiânia
BR 381 Fernão Dias Highway, Betim
Ceará Street, 1740, Uberlândia
Fernando Correa da Costa Avenue, 5999, Parque Ohara, Cuiabá
Eduardo Elias Zahran Avenue, 900, Campo Grande
BR 316 Highway, Belém
Beta Street, 147
João Medeiros da Costa Street, 300, Londrina
Thomaz Carmeliano de Miranda Avenue, 1600, São José dos Pinhais
Litorânea Avenue, 2632, Rio de Janeiro
Nelson Teichmann Street, 145, Cachoeirinha
EMC 015 - Distriro Industrial, Cordilheira Alta
Maria Luísa Pompêo de Camargo Avenue, 333, Jardim Campineiro, Campinas
Armando Tarozo Street, 90, Parque Industrial Lagoinha, Ribeirão Preto
José Martins Fernandes Street, 601, São Bernardo do Campo
Índio Tibiriçá Highway,1295, Vila Sol Nascente, Suzano
Professor Magalhães Neto Avenue, 1752, Salvador
Brigadeiro Faria Lima Avenue, 1355, Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo
BR 101 Highway, KM 945, Mucuri
• Pulp Paper: Report, Magnum,
• Paperfect, One Consumer goods:
• Mimmo, Max Pure, Neve
Fazenda Brasilândia BA-275 Highway, Km 24, Eunápolis
• Pulp
Parque Sul Ave., 1111, Distrito Industrial Maracanaú
• Consumer goods: Floral, La Vie Blanc, Max Pure, Mimmo, Neve
Aracruz Highway, Barra do Riacho, KM 25, Aracruz
• Pulp
Cit Street, 287, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
Consumer goods: Max Pure, Mimmo
Newton Bello Avenue, Estrada do Arroz, Imperatriz
• Pulp
• Consumer Goods: Floral, Max Pure, Neve
BR 158 Highway, KM 298. Access on the left atKM 08, Fazenda Barra do Moeda, Zona Rural, Três Lagoas
• Pulp
BR 262 Highway, km 220, Fazenda Boi Preto, Zona Rural, Ribas do Rio Pardo
• Celulose
Passagem Três de Outubro, 536, Sacramenta, Belém
O que produzimos:
• Consumer goods: Floral, La Vie Blanc, Max Pure, Maxx Baby, Scala
Prudente de Morais Street, 4006, Vila Monte Sion, Suzano
• Pulp: Eucafluff
• Paper: Alta Alvura, Bluecup e Bluecup Bio, Liner, Pólen Soft, Bold e Natural, Report, Super 6 Plus, Supremo Duo Design e Alta Alvura, TP White Plus
Av. Miguel Badra, s/n, Cidade Miguel Badra, SuzanMiguel Badra Avenue, Cidade Miguel Badra, Suzanoo
• Paper: Alta Alvura, Pólen, Maculatura
Lageado Road, 391, Lageado, Limeira
• Pulp: Lignin (Ecolig)
• Paper: Alta Alvura, Couché, Greenpack, Greenbag, Loop, Report, Lignina, Ecolig
General Euryale de Jesus Zerbine Highway, Km 84, São Silvestre
• Pulp
SP 088 Highway, Nove de Julho, Mogi das Cruzes
• Consumer goods: Mimmo, Neve, Grand Hotel, Scott*, Scott Duramax*, Kleenex*, WypAll**
BA 275 Highway, Belmonte
Barra de Caravelas Road, 1, Caravelas
Caminho da Barra do Riacho, Aracruz
Governador Mário Covas Júnior Avenue, Warehouse 32, Estuário
Governador Mário Covas Júnior Avenue, Warehouse 32, Estuário
Comendador Alcides Simão Helo Street, 250, Aracruz
Lírio Correa Avenue, 1465, Cariobinha, Limeira
Dr. José Lembo Avenue, 1010, Jardim Bela Vista, Itapetininga
General Euryale De Jesus Zerbine Highway, SP 66, KM 84, Zona Rural, Jacareí
Tte. Coronel Guiffra 761, B1870, Avellaneda
Rodrigo de Chávez Avenue, Business Park Colon, Pacífica Center, Ground Floor, Guayaquil
4705 Wayburne Drive, Burnaby, BC
6451 N Federal Hwy Suite 302 Fort Lauderdale, FL33308
Spaces Zuidas II. Barbara Strozzilaan, 101, 1083 HN Amsterdam
Suzano International Trade GmbH Jakov-Lind-Strasse 13/, 4.OG -1020 Viena
Eteläportintie 15, 40530 Jyväskylä
2 Pekeris St., Park Tamar, Rehovot, 7670202
Room 3201, United Plaza, No. 1468 West Nanjing Road, Jing'an District, Xangai
1 Paya Lebar Link #04-01, Singapore 408533
Eteläportintie 15, 40530 Jyväskylä
• Microfibrillated cellulose
101-4705 Wayburne Dr, Burnaby, BC V5G 3L1
2 Pekeris St., Park Tamar, Rehovot, 7670202
32/F, United Plaza, 1468 Nanjing Xi Lu, Xangai
Tte. Coronel Guiffra 761, B1870, Avellaneda
Rodrigo de Chávez Avenue, Business Park Colon, Pacífica Center, Ground Floor, Guayaquil
4705 Wayburne Drive, Burnaby, BC
6451 N Federal Hwy Suite 302 Fort Lauderdale, FL33308
Spaces Zuidas II. Barbara Strozzilaan, 101, 1083 HN Amsterdam
Suzano International Trade GmbH Jakov-Lind-Strasse 13/, 4.OG -1020 Viena
Eteläportintie 15, 40530 Jyväskylä
2 Pekeris St., Park Tamar, Rehovot, 7670202
Room 3201, United Plaza, No. 1468 West Nanjing Road, Jing'an District, Xangai
1 Paya Lebar Link #04-01, Singapore 408533
5201 Fairfield Rd, Pine Bluff, AR 71601, EUA
• Paperboard for packaging
81 Howell Mill Rd, Waynesville, NC 28786
• Paperboard for packaging
101-4705 Wayburne Dr, Burnaby, BC V5G 3L1
2 Pekeris St., Park Tamar, Rehovot, 7670202
32/F, United Plaza, 1468 Nanjing Xi Lu, Xangai
Neighboring Communities

We value dialogue and good relationships with all our neighbors, including local, indigenous and quilombola communities. Also, we work to promote social development in the regions where we operate by fostering employment, income generation and education. Learn more on the Neighboring Communities page.

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