Social Programs and Partnerships

We implement social development projects throughout Brazil and establish partnerships that help us boost local growth.

Social Programs

 Check out some of our initiatives.

Sustainable Harvesting

We work together with communities that harvest products from native biodiversity, such as fruits, leaves and seeds, training individuals and cooperatives in sustainable practices to boost regional development.

The Pindowa project, for example, supports the production activities of harvesting groups in the states of Maranhão and Tocantins, especially babassu coconut breakers. The goals are to preserve traditional practices originating from the local cultures, encourage sustainable practices and strengthen artisanal production.

Watch the project video
Inclusive Recycling

Through partnerships, we work to train waste collectors who are part of cooperatives or work independently. By doing so, we help strengthen cooperatives, support the increased demand for materials and engage with public authorities to help generate income and develop a circular economy.

 The Recicle Aracruz (“Recycle Aracruz”) project, for example, supports a cooperative that collects waste from our plant in Aracruz, Espírito Santo, leading to a 91% increase in income in two years.  

Access to Employment

We want to train, professionalize and facilitate connections to increase access to formal employment. One example is our partnership with SENAI in Espírito Santo, through which we offer free training, on a large scale, to vulnerable populations living in various urban and rural locations in the north of the state, including the towns of Boa Esperança, Conceição da Barra, Jaguaré, Montanha, Nova Venécia, Pedro Canário, Pinheiros and São Mateus. Since the beginning of this initiative, in 2022, more than 3,700 people have been trained.

Suzano Education Program

To reduce poverty, it is necessary to invest in education. That is why we created the Suzano Education Program (PSE, in Portuguese), to drive the improvement of public education.

The program focuses on the holistic education of students in different phases of life, considering intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural and social aspects. The initiative provides training to public school educators; facilitates intersectoral networking among educators, health professionals and social workers; and encourages families and communities to become more involved in school life.

In 2024, approximately 139,000 people participated in or benefited from the initiative. For more details about the Program, visit the Suzano in Education website.

 Visit Suzano in Education
Colmeias (“Beehives”)

This initiative supports sustainable honey production in the regions where we operate. To this end, we authorize the access of beekeepers to our eucalyptus farms, in which we have set up apiaries. The program establishes partnerships with associations and cooperatives; offers training and technical production assistance; invests in infrastructure to process honey and honey-based products; and supports the sale of products at local, regional and national levels.

One important example of the scope of Colmeias is a partnership with the Banco do Brasil Foundation in Tocantins, which directly benefits 800 people by strengthening the honey production chain and supporting the bioeconomy in the Legal Amazon.


Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO, in Portuguese)
Banco do Brasil Foundation
Brazilian Institute of Development and Sustainability (IABS, for Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade) and Inter American Development Bank
National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES, for Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social)
Coca-Cola Brazil Institute
Parceiros pela Amazônia and the United States Agency for International Cooperation

Our Social Development Strategy

We work through partnerships to boost socioeconomic growth in the regions where we operate. Learn more about our efforts on the Social Development page.

Regional Efforts

We strive to grow together with the Brazilian towns that host our operations. We foster dialogue with the communities where we operate to understand their main needs. Based on that, alongside our partners, we propose socioeconomic development projects and initiatives in the regions where we operate. Learn about our regional efforts on the Neighboring Communities page.

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