Our Sustainability Strategy

As a nature-based business, sustainability is part of our strategy. That is why it is incorporated across all our operations. We believe we must act now to ensure a more sustainable future for people and our planet.

Our goals include:

Developing innovative and sustainable solutions and products

Helping address society’s challenges

Supporting the socioeconomic development of the communities near our operations

Helping to drive the evolution of the bioeconomy

Being a leader in sustainability

Our goals to

renew life

Working for the planet

Check out our everyday activities that benefit the environment on the Planet page.

Go to planet

Working for people

Check out our initiatives in support of social development on the People page.

Go to people


people lifted out of poverty since 2020


hectares dedicated to the conservation of native vegetation in Brazil, 40% of our land


tones of carbon equivalent removed from the atmosphere since 2020 (scopes 1, 2 and part of scope 3 emissions)

Regenerative Economy

The way we approach sustainability is rooted in the concept of a regenerative economy, which holds that human activity should, instead of depleting, conserve and restore the planet’s natural resources, creating ways of doing business in harmony with the environment and communities.

We strive to be a regenerative company that:

Reduces risks

Reverses biodiversity loss

Increases the offering of services that are essential to life, such as food, raw materials and water

Reduces risks

Reverses biodiversity loss

Increases the offering of services that are essential to life, such as food, raw materials and water

Careful approach across the Value Chain

We follow the principles of a regenerative economy across our entire value chain: in choosing land to plant eucalyptus; in the sustainable management of our farms; in the conservation of native forests; in optimizing and reusing resources in our plants; and in the logistics involved in the distribution of our products. Learn more on the Value Chain page.

Material topics

To create an effective ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy, a company must conduct a materiality assessment to identify the most relevant topics for its business based on their impact on the economy, society and the environment. At Suzano, these material topics — defined through a comprehensive study to assess how the perceptions from different stakeholders in the sectors in which we operate intersect with topics that are important to our business—become the foundation and guide of our sustainability strategy.

In addition, when creating our materiality matrix, we followed the guidelines from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), and incorporated the most current concepts in this area. Learn more on the Sustainability Indicators page.

Visit Sustainability Indicators

Suzano's materiality

All of our material topics are related to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Supplier management

Climate change



Human rights

Land development

Diversity, equity and inclusion

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