Environment and Biodiversity
To ensure the future of the next generations, we must care for the environment and biodiversity, which are essential for the renewal of life on the planet. We are strongly committed to this goal and have concrete and ongoing initiatives to conserve and restore native forests and protect Brazilian fauna and flora.
Learn about our long-term goals on the Commitments page.
Our Initiatives for Biodiversity
Plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and us, human beings, form the planet’s biodiversity. However, this diversity and abundance of life forms are seriously threatened. The United Nations estimates that 25% of species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. As the home of 20% of all biodiversity on Earth and one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, Brazil plays a leading role in conserving biodiversity and restoring degraded habitats. At Suzano, we are doing our part. Check out some of our initiatives.

Ecological Corridors

Ecological corridors, or biodiversity corridors, are areas that connect fragments of native forests that have been separated by human activity, including highway construction, agricultural activities, pastures and urban development. These corridors create vegetation cover that encourages animals to travel through different areas of native forest, enabling seed dispersal, pollination, environmental restoration and biodiversity conservation.
Through ecological corridors, we will connect, by 2030, half a million hectares in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes, an area four times the size of the city of Rio de Janeiro. We have entered into partnerships with different sectors of society and the government to restore native vegetation and implement more sustainable agricultural production techniques in the communities where the corridors will be implemented.

species of animals and plants have already been recorded in our farms and conservation areas
of our land is dedicated to conservation
hectares will be connected through our ecological corridors
Restoration and Conservation

Currently, 40% of our land—approximately 1 million hectares—is dedicated to conservation. The areas of native forests that we conserve in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in Brazil.
As part of our environmental initiatives, we began the ecological restoration of 37.000 hectares of degraded areas, in which we have planted more than 12 million native trees. Since the 1990s, we have implemented ecological restoration initiatives in different regions. Our program was considered by the UN to be one of the 15 most transformative projects in Brazil in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Learn more about our Ecological Restoration Program in the Indicators Center.

Human Rights
We respect and follow Human Rights at all stages of our Value Chain, recognizing and protecting the dignity of all people. Also, we have a specific Policy on the topic, which provides guidance and good practices. Check out more information on the Human Rights page.

Monitoring Threatened Species
In addition to conserving and restoring areas of native vegetation, we also have several initiatives to monitor plants and animals. One example is our monitoring of the southern muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides), which is the largest primate in the Americas, measuring up to 1.60 m, including the tail. These animals are nicknamed “forest gardeners”, because in just one day they can disperse seeds from up to eight plant species, an essential task for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest, where they live.
We identified southern muriquis in our land in 1990, in a conservation area in Pindamonhangaba. Since then, we have monitored these primates, which are also found in the Neblinas Park.
It is estimated that there are currently around 1,200 southern muriquis in Brazil, and approximately 5% of them live, grow and reproduce in places monitored by Suzano. This shows that we care for and maintain safe places for the species to thrive.
Watch the video in which we caught some of these primates enjoying their habitat.
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