The partnership will support with sustainable restoration and management practices to reduce habitat fragmentation
The company invested a total of R$3.3 million in the construction of the Family Health Strategy Center that will be equipped by the local government to provide high-quality family healthcare to the local community
Applications can be submitted by all interested candidates, regardless of gender, origin, ethnicity, disability status or sexual identity, through the company’s Opportunities Platform
With a total investment of R$1.05 million, the system provides better security to the population, helping prevent crimes and supporting public security agents in investigations and surveillance
The initiative is developed in partnership with the Salesian Missions and benefits around 40 Três Lagoas families, of which 89% are headed by women
The course is part of the company’s Cultivar (“Cultivate”) Program, which aims to drive socioeconomic development by supporting local labor.
The initiative plans to train 70,000 young adults and connect 15,000 of them with the job market by 2025
This is the first site in the world to reach this milestone in such a short period of time, 14 years of operation
Applications can be submitted by all interested candidates, regardless of gender, origin, ethnicity, disability status or sexual identity, through the company’s Opportunities Platform
In 2024, courses in Basic Mechanics of Light Vehicles, Basic Mechanics of Diesel Vehicles and Real Estate Painting are planned to be held by SENAI; the schedule of SENAC courses is still being developed
The November highlights included the completion of the biomass conveyor to the power boiler, the positioning of the last digester module and the completion of the first commissioning
The training aims to meet the company's demand in its forestry operations in Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS)
Suzano, the world's largest producer of market pulp and a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, in partnership with the Municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS) and the National ...
Suzano delivers new beds to Municipal Hospital in Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS). In all, the company invested BRL 12 million
Suzano, the world's largest producer of market pulp and a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, seeks to maintain a direct and continuous dialogue with the population of Ribas d...
Suzano, the world's largest producer of market pulp and a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, began work to optimize its logistical channels for the outflow of production from...
Highlights included the start of assembly of the drums for the DDW washers and the forming table for Line 1 of Pulp Extracting Machines, in addition to the activities of the “Maio Amarelo” and “Faça Bonito” campaigns.
Of the total, 63 graduates (90%) are local residents, 17 are women and one is a person with a disability. All of them are already able to work in Suzano's forest operations or in the market, especially in eucalyptus harvesting.
Suzano, a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, has two vacancies open in the forestry area to serve its operations in Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS). Applications can be made by all i...
With the lifting of the part called the 'steam balloon' of the boiler, the heaviest of all the factory's assembly, weighing 312 tons, the company is preparing to start a new cycle of construction of the unit.
With the objective of promoting the improvement of the quality of education, an initiative carried out in partnership with the Municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo reached 100% of municipal schools.
The structure occupies an area of about 21 hectares and will have a constructed area of 111,000 m², and should be completed in mid-2024
With the partnership, the National Rural Learning Service (Senar) will provide agricultural technicians to serve new communities in the municipality, expanding projects such as the Agroforestry System (SAF), which already serves 87 families.
With the aim of promoting sustainable practices and strengthening regional agriculture, the Sustainable Rural Project – Cerrado benefits around 860 people, including small and medium-sized rural producers in the regions of Três Lagoas and Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS).
For eight months, entrepreneurs were qualified in good management practices, method, innovation and principles of legal and socio-environmental responsibility.