Suzano, a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso do Sul (Famasul) signed a partnership to expand projects to generate work and income in the countryside, in Ribas do Rio Brown (MS). Through the signing of a cooperation agreement, the company and the entity undertake to expand training, specialization and knowledge transmission initiatives for families with agricultural aptitude in areas close to the construction of the company's new factory in the municipality.
With the partnership, the National Rural Apprenticeship Service (Senar) will make agricultural technicians available to serve new communities in the region, making it more accessible to join the work and income generation projects being implemented by Suzano, which already contributes to the qualification of 87 families in the Mutum, Avaré and Melodia settlements. “This synergy of actions will enable families to be able to generate income and expand businesses using more efficient and sustainable agricultural techniques. This initiative contributes to the company's commitment to lift more than 200,000 people out of poverty in the areas where it operates by 2030,” says Israel Batista Gabriel, Social Development coordinator at Suzano.
For Marcelo Bertoni, president of the Famasul System, partnerships like the one signed with Suzano are of great importance to expand the scope of Senar's activities in Mato Grosso do Sul. “So, in addition to training the workforce that we offer to the forestry sector, we also provide technical assistance to rural communities in the region covered by Suzano's project. This is a great step forward for our work in this production chain, which is so important for the state and which has been growing every year”, he adds.
“One of the projects that will be expanded, for example, is the Agroforestry System (SAF), a method that allows families to grow different types of food in the same space, diversifying production and developing a more profitable activity that is less dependent on a single harvest. Projects such as the Food Reserve will also be developed, which already includes 87 families for the formation of food banks so that the animals do not suffer during periods of drought”, adds Israel Batista.
Other initiatives include quality veterinary care, genetic and health improvement to adapt to commercial practice in line with specifications from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. In addition, training in business management in the field will be offered, with workshops on diversifying marketing channels and implementing beekeeping projects in the territory.
In parallel with the qualification and professionalization of family farmers, the agreement also includes the commitment to strengthen associations of family farmers. Suzano will provide support for the preparation of internal regulations to adjust the conduct of activities and the relationship between associates. The initiative also includes facilitating access to various marketing channels, such as the Água Clara agricultural fair and adherence to the National School Feeding Program (PNAE).
In addition, families will have access to numerous courses, workshops and managerial support in the field. “Senar provides a wide variety of courses and is the main trainer of labor in the field. Families will be able to improve management, product quality, production diversification and increase the added value of the food grown. At Suzano, we believe that 'it's only good for us if it's good for the world' and, therefore, this alliance makes perfect sense so that we can expand our projects to generate income and employment in the rural area surrounding our new factory” , adds Israel Batista.