Our company is one of the world’s best employers, according to the ranking Global 2000: World’s Best Employers published by the business magazine Forbes.We are placed 25th among the 500 highest-rated companies, which put us ahead of other six Brazilian companies that figured in the ranking and made it the highest-ranked company in Latin America. This classification was developed by Forbesin partnership with Statista, a statistics, market research and business intelligence portal.
In all,over 430,000 recommendations were considered in the final results,which analyzed criteria such as working conditions, image and diversity. Employees around the world gave scores to their employer,indicated if they would recommend the company to their friends and family members and cited which companies they admire.
“Suzano is committed to all of its stakeholders, but especially its employees, who help the company become better each day. That is why it is so gratifying to figure in the Forbes ranking alongside companies from all over the world,” said Walter Schalka, our CEO.
The list of the world’s best employers was based on Global 2000, which complies a general classification of the world’s 2,000 largest companies, and we were one of the 18 Brazilian companies figuring on the list.
In another Global 2000 ranking, of Best Regarded Companies, we were also the highest-ranked Brazilian company. In 104th position, we were recognized for our reliability, social conduct, the performance of our product and/or services and our vision as an employer.