Running on wet grass, getting clothes dirty with soil, following a bird, imagining what the clouds in the sky look like. Such simple activities – taking children into nature, outdoors – are increasingly being neglected by families.
A survey by the consultancy OnePool, conducted in 2022, provides a good dimension of the issue: British children of the current generation play outdoors 62% less than their grandparents of the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1956 and 1964.
The explanations for this change in play style include the high urbanization of cities, fear of violence and the rise of technology, which keeps children glued to screens. But disregarding outdoor activities and letting smartphones or tablets take over can cause children to suffer from anxiety, attention difficulties, and hyperactivity – especially those with parents who overuse their devices, as revealed by a study from the University of Calgary in Canada, published in 2024, conducted with children aged 9 to 11.
How about put on your sneakers and go outside with the little ones, taking children into the wild. And it doesn't take much time: 1 hour a day outdoors is ideal for children's well-being, according to the recommendation of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics and the Alana Institute, who jointly signed the document The Benefits of Nature in the Development of Children and Adolescents, last updated in 2024.
Why is contact with nature important for child development?
Outdoor activities help in physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Nature provides a diversity of textures, smells, colors, and sounds that stimulate children's senses. "Our development is closely related to the experiences we live, and sensory experiences are also part of that," says Larissa Fonseca, a psychopedagogue, neuropsychologist specializing in child and adolescent behavior, and author of the book Dúvidas de Mãe (“Mother's Doubts”, in English).
Valéria Blos, general director of the Ecofuturo Institute, a non-governmental organization maintained by Suzano and dedicated to education and environmental conservation, adds: "Listening to sounds or putting your feet in a river's water enhances children's sensitivity. This opens up space for creativity, individual expression, and self-knowledge."
Another advantage of providing playtime in nature is that children can explore their own movements. By running, jumping, and walking on different terrains, they develop motor coordination and feel more secure. "As they overcome physical challenges, they gain confidence in their abilities," says Larissa. "When they spend too much time in a closed environment, they become insecure because they don't have the opportunity to experience movements."
When other children are present, contact in a new environment also helps promote teamwork and strengthen social skills, such as speech, argumentation, and respect for differences. Additionally, time shared with family – such as parents, siblings, uncles, and cousins – strengthens emotional bonds.
Besides playing in contact with the environment, families can encourage sustainability in children by using recyclable toys.

The benefits of nature for children's health
Taking children into nature and providing this contact with the environment offers various physical and mental benefits:
Physical health
Contact with nature is an important ally for maintaining children's health. "Exposure to different elements, such as leaves, soil, and flowers, for example, helps strengthen the immune system and prevent allergic reactions in the future," explains Larissa.
Sun exposure – always with sun blocker and/or hats – is also important for bone development, as it is how the body synthesizes vitamin D, crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Being in an outdoor environment combats sedentary behavior, promoting cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle development.
Mental health
Simply seeing trees, plants, and animals brings a sense of well-being that helps reduce daily stress – which even children can feel. "The sensations that nature provoke lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and help reduce anxiety," says Larissa.
Our ability to concentrate also benefits. Since the natural world is not as overloaded with information as a smartphone screen or a shopping mall, it helps us enter a more relaxed and focused state. "Connection with nature can even help children who have trouble sleeping," says Valéria.
Engaging in activities without predetermined rules is also important for mental health. "Children are no longer accustomed to boredom. But doing nothing is a window to imagination and creativity, especially in nature," says Valéria.
Nature as a learning space
Nature is a powerful educational agent. At Parque das Neblinas, Suzano's environmental reserve managed by the Ecofuturo Institute with 7,000 hectares of Atlantic Forest, there are initiatives to connect students and teachers to socio-environmental issues – which stimulate reflections that go far beyond learning about plants and animals. "We learn not only about nature but also about ourselves and others," says Valéria. Additionally, contact with nature helps with subjects not directly related to biodiversity. "We've seen Math teachers, for example, using environmental experiences and tools to teach," she says.
The elements available in natural spaces, from a small stone to a large tree, help to develop creativity . This helps develop autonomy and self-confidence, as well as problem-solving skills and the formation of new neural connections. Moreover, it is a powerful way to encourage awareness of the importance of biodiversity protection. "We only care for what we know and love, and children develop this sense of affection when they are in contact with nature ," explains Valéria.
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Examples of outdoor activities
Taking children outdoors more frequently can be a challenge. "Many parents say their children don't want to go outside; they prefer to stay at home," says Larissa. "But that's because the children haven't yet experienced the pleasures of being outdoors enough." According to her, once the little ones start discovering this universe, they end up learning to enjoy it. "When parents promote this possibility, play becomes an incredible ally for children to leave the screens."
Here are some tips to encourage this behavior:
Schedule Time
With the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often neglect moments of pause and play with children. So, try to schedule these moments just as you do with other commitments, like school or a doctor's appointment. It doesn't always have to involve long trips: a nearby garden, a small park, or exploring the trees and flowers on a street can be an opportunity to spend time outside.
Stimulate the Senses
"Ask them to close their eyes and feel the texture of plants, grass, or pay attention to the sounds," says Valéria. "Or ask how many butterfly colors they saw, which flowers they found." Observing fruit trees – and even tasting it – is another way to spark the connection. The possibilities are many, and this can be a process of joint discovery for parents and children.
Encourage imagination
While it's important to give children the freedom to discover games and activities, it's possible to help them. "Giving ideas for treasure hunts or other games allows the child to do this independently later," explains Larissa.
Diversify activities
Bike rides, sports like volleyball and soccer, hiking, swimming, picnics, or even spending the day reading and relaxing on a lawn – these are just a few examples of what can be done outdoors. Varying activities is important not only for children but also for caregivers to feel more engaged and motivated to spend time outside.
Conclusion: being close to nature is great for children’s development
The connection with nature is a powerful tool for child development, as well as being important for strengthening the physical and mental health of children – and the bonds within families.
How about scheduling this commitment to green spaces on your and your children's daily routine?